Thats all for Now!
Slash roses!
Thats all for Now!
Slash roses!
Hey guys. The newspaper is out and the penguin games have ended.
In case you haven’t noticed this is the 150th issue of the newspaper.
Here are the upcoming events.
Here is a guide to the crossword puzzle!
Lastly, the soccer field is still around, and can now be accessed by non members.
Seal 55555
Hey everyone. I have found a cool spoiler for the furniture catalog coming tommorow. This spoiler came from Billybob on the club penguin blog.
Can you guess what these items are? Comment and tell me!
Here's my guess....
Top left: Don't know
Top right: Maybe a sofa?
Bottom left: Looks like a coffe machine!
Bottom right: Fireplace!
PS: Slash roses will be posting tommorow as I am on Holiday!
Seal 55555
It’s finally here! Show your skills in a series of tournaments and tasks and earn the items that come along.
It all starts with your special guide, the olympic medal in the top right of your screen.
First, visit the ski village to start the marathon. REMEMBER: always stop at the lights so Gary will know you completed the race.
The lights are very hard to find, so here’s a full guide.
Ski Village:
The beach:
Snow forts:
Iceberg 3 lap race!
Walk around 3 times stopping at all the lights for them to turn on, but start at the checkered line.
Next, go to the underground pool and start completing the swimming laps. Walk back and forth and remember to wait until the light turns on and the arrows can guide you to sides.
Once you complete them all, you will receive a gold medal.
Free items!Secret room!
As well as the soccer ice rink there is also a hidden hockey rink too! Here's how to find it!
Seal 55555
Hey guys.The club penguin games starts tommorow and the club penguin team have realesed two sneak peaks of the party! Here they are.....
I think that the first one is Mullet (the big fish in Ice Fishing) which is found in the Ski Lodge.
I think that the second sneak peek is the moose, also found in the Ski Lodge.
I have some other information about the Penguin Games. There will be free items at this party, but you will have to earn them, like the Fall Fair. They might bring back the face paints. What do you think?
Seal 55555
Have any of you found rockhopper yet?
Seal 55555
First of, The new dodge ball pin is at the Stage.
Click on the red cheerleader’s hand, for the orange football helmet.
Click on the flame surfboard, then the shell, and finally the starfish, for the silver surfboard.
Igloo catalog cheats!
Click on the crowbar, for the secret stone igloo.
Click on the door of the deluxe snow igloo, for the secret deluxe stone igloo.
Also, I am getting the new ship igloo and slash roses is getting the gym igloo which has come back. I will try and get a picture of them!
Hey guys. I just found anough time to post today!
The Penguin Games kick off on August 22nd. There will be many events held there.
The new igloo upgrade comes this Friday. The new igloo will be a ship igloo.
Here are the upcoming events:
Also, tomorrow on club penguin a new pin will be hidden.
I know this a club penguin blog but here is a doctor who trailer I made for all you doctor who fans out there!
Seal 55555
Seal 55555
Hey everyone, Rockhopper has arrived and he has brought a catalog with cheats!
If you click the steering wheel, you will find the life ring, for igloos.
Heres where the paper boats for the scavenger hunt are hidden...
The first boat is at the dock under the wooden boards.
The next ship is at the beach under the rocks.
The next piece is at the ice burg, which is the big block of ice on your map.
The next paper ship is at the bottom right of the cove.
For the next boat, visit the mine shack which is the place you go after you are done cart surfing.
Visit the coffee shop for another boat.
The next to last paper ship is at the pool in the windows.
The final boat is at the pet shop, near puffle round up!
Now that you have all the pieces, press the “Build the blue prints” button.
Now build the blue prints to look like this:
Claim your prize from Rory which is a blue prints background!
Also check out the new team blue stage!
The Music Jam 08 Party has now sadly ended. But the club penguin times has announced that the first ever Penguin Games set for August 22nd-26th.
Looks cool!
There will be a scavenger hunt on August 8, to find the lost sketches of the ship igloo by Rory.
The stage will also be having a return of Team Blue’s Rally. It will be similar to the one in February and its tommorow!
Here are the upcoming events.
Seal 55555
As you can see they are the same penguin called Cube Peng!
Each one of them is called Cube Peng and a number and there is also one called Cube Peng leader!
I spotted the group on frozen server so look out for them but I think they'll get banned sone.
When they speak they speak at the exact they same time look above!
So look out for Cube peng and his freinds around club penguin!
PS: How are you guys getting on with the new aqua grabber?
Seal 55555
The new level of aqua grabber is here here is abit of help guide...
Level 1, Clam Waters
Collect pearls from the small clams, while they are asleep. The black pearls are worth 50 coins as the white pearls are worth 25 coins.
Once you have got all the pearls from the top, go to the bottom right of the screen. Pick up the rock.
Drop the rock on the giant clam. Now, pickup the grand pearl.
Bring it up to the top and complete the level.
Level 2, Soda Seas
In the new level, you have to gather items, and drop them off in the net at the top. I actuly don't like doing this I like the pearl one more!
Find all of the kegs. Save the ones with the coral in front of them for later. Once you have gathered enough kegs of cream soda, the plants will move and you will be able to pass.
Once you’ve cleared the top, go threw the area where bubbles come from. Watch out for puffer fish wich we saw in the sneak peak!
Watch out for the giant one too. After the puffer fish the treasure will be there. Bring it back to win.
Good luck
Just guest the room which this picture is from..
Quick go! Get commenting!
Seal 55555Hi am a member on club penguin and stared in march 2008! Here is what I look like:
Marky 555 Hi I am a member on CP and I started CP 3 years ago!