The first ever Club Penguin Music Jam with the Penguin Band starts July 25th and ending July 30th. But there is a little more news in this article then last time so here is some new stuff. The new Better Igloo’s Catalog coming out this Friday will have new music and lots of stuff related to music! And a rumor has started that there will be DJ’s at the Music Festival? Also the party planners mentioned DJ’s, I think there will be DJ’s what about you?
Advertisement: Check out the new music in this months Better Igloo’s Catalog!
It has been confirmed that the green puffle at the Night Club known as the “Keeper” of the Night Club has left and is know at the Ice Rink. “Games might be delayed until further notice,” one ref commented.
I've also got the upcoming events here they are....
Oh and here's a reminder that my summer celerbration is almost here! Click here to find out more!
I actully enjoy the puffle at the ice rink!! I think it's pretty cool! This site rocks!!